Drugs high
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president David Reeves has told GamesIndustry.biz that PlayStation 3 will be the clear leader in the next-gen console market within the next nine months.
“PlayStation 3, you will see, will be far and away the winner when you look at it by March ’08. They really, really will,” he predicted.
“It’s something that is going to be a slow burner, and suddenly it’s like a tsunami; it will just overtake you.”
Ils poussent la plaisanterie vraiment loin. J’en reste sans voix.
Edit: petit rappel, avant David Reeves, nous avions Grégory Delfosse qui non seulement raconte n’importe quoi, mais en plus donne l’impression qu’il est raide bourré. Grandioses les execs de Sony, grandioses.
Commentaire de pfelelep
15/7/2007 @ 15:53
c’est vrai qu’il a l’air UN PEU legerement voire SUBTILEMENT d’avoir bu en coulisses…
Encore un coup de Poutine! C’est pas vrai ca!